The skin - layer by layer
Our skin is divided into layers from the outside in: first the surface, which is covered in fat and moisture, then the horny layer, which consists of dead cells from the epidermis underneath, then the dermis and finally the subcutaneous fatty tissue.
The skin surface
Our skin is covered with a hydrolipidic film of sweat and sebum that keeps it smooth and supple. With its slightly acidic pH value, it forms our outermost protective barrier and is part of the skin’s protective layer.
The stratum corneum (horny layer)
It consists of dead skin cells that are held together by lipids. The horny layer protects us against dehydration and harmful environmental influences. Like the hydrolipidic film, its pH is slightly acidic.
The epidermis
It constantly supplies the horny layer with new cells. Above all, however, the epidermis is the outermost line of defence of our immune system, provides us with natural sun protection through the melanin in its pigment cells and contains highly sensitive sensory cells for experiencing touch and detecting heat or cold.
The dermis
Our sweat and sebaceous glands are located in the dermis, as are the hair roots. It is densely permeated with tiny blood vessels to ensure the nourishment and oxygen supply of the entire skin. Its connective tissue structure also ensures firmness and elasticity.
The subcutis (subcutaneous fat)
It contains sensory cells for strong pressure stimuli as well as the larger blood vessels and nerves that supply the upper layers of the skin. As a valuable energy storage organ and protection against impact and cold, the subcutaneous fat is part of the skin barrier.
Skin matters
Our largest organ
The skin has a surface area of between 1.5 and 2 square metres and weighs between 10 and 20 kilograms, including the subcutaneous fat. It is therefore by far the largest and probably the most versatile organ in our body.
Our external protection
Our skin forms the first, very effective barrier between the outside and the inside: It keeps water and heat inside the body – and ensures that cold, UV radiation, pathogens, pollutants and irritants stay outside.
Our sense of temperature and touch
Our skin contains countless tactile, pain and temperature sensors. From a warm breeze or a gentle caress to a pinch or a shiver – only our skin allows us to really experience our environment.
The mirror to our soul
From a pallor of fear to a delicate blush, from dark circles under the eyes to a cold sweat: The skin is closely connected to all our organs, including the brain. It sends subconscious signals that show how we are doing mentally and physically.
Our calling card
Our skin plays a key role in the first impression others have of us. If it looks smooth, flawless and healthy, we are perceived as attractive, whereas spots, wrinkles and blemishes tend to lead to negative preconceptions. So skin care makes you feel good in your own skin in more ways than one.
The skin in figures
1,5 – 2 m²
Surface area
10 – 20 kg
0,1 – 10 cm
Per square centimetre
6 Mio.
1 bn.
Sensory bodies
400 cm
Nerve Endings
Pain receptors
Cold receptors
Heat receptors
100 cm
Blood vessels
Sweat glands
sebaceous glands
Skin FAQs
What does pH 5.5 mean?
pH 5.5 means slightly acidic and corresponds to the skin’s natural protective barrier. If the skin is cleansed and cared for with products that have this pH, this supports the protective function against dehydration as well as irritants and pollutants. pH 5.5 also stabilises the healthy balance of the skin microbiome. In combination with particularly well-tolerated moisturising ingredients, sebamed effectively protects skin health, as proven by over 400 scientific studies.
Why does soap damage the skin?
Soap is not acidic, but alkaline (pH 8 – 12), which attacks and weakens the skin’s natural protective layer. This increases the risk of the skin drying out and causing unpleasant skin reactions or damage.
How does the soap-free cleansing bar cleanse without any soap at all?
The secret lies in cleansing ingredients that are in balance with the skin’s own pH of 5.5. These allow sebamed skin cleansing products to ensure thorough cleanliness and freshness without drying out or irritating the skin. The mild cleansing bars, wash emulsions and shower products support the natural barrier function while keeping the skin microbiome in a healthy balance.